Community acupuncture treatments work well for many patients. Annie is able see multiple patients at a time to help keeps costs down. Affordable, effective, and easy to schedule, these sessions take full advantage of many of the strongest acupuncture points located on the head, ears, arms and legs.
Please fill out the online intake form before your first session. When you schedule your first appointment by calling or texting me at 970-963-2150, you'll receive an email confirmation of the appointment - this email will prompt you to fill out my online intake form. Filling out this form beforehand will save us time & not take away from our time together. See below for Community acupuncture dates.
The Setting
It’s easy to relax during community acupuncture – warm, inviting, and friendly.
Privacy in an open clinic.
Privacy and tranquility are easily accomplished with hushed voices and relaxing music in a cozy environment. We go over your intake form privately then go to the treatment room where patients remain dressed; they simply pull up sleeves and pant legs (wear loose, comfortable clothing so I can access thighs & upper arms if I need to). I will also need to reach your head, neck, arms and legs to be able to offer a full, body-mind treatment.
The Treatment
Annie will speak with you briefly to learn what you’d like from your treatment. Hair-thin needles will be gently inserted into various acupuncture points to provide your body with the proper stimulation. They are typically left in place for 30 minutes on average.
Patients describe having an active mind when the needles first go in, then settling into a more relaxed mental state, drifting in and out in waves, and sometimes falling into a short, restful sleep. Patients walk out feeling relaxed and recharged and often notice positive changes in other areas of their person that may not have been their reason for coming. These ‘side effects’ often include improved sleep and digestion, more energy, less stress, overall improved health and a sense of well-being.
The effectiveness will increase with frequency. Combine Community acupuncture with Private acupuncture to get a cumulative effect.
Community Acupuncture, Sliding Scale
First Session: $50-$70 (includes one-time $10 consultation fee, 75 minutes)
All Subsequent Sessions: $40-$60 (60 minutes)
Wednesdays, 1 day a month, 11am-5pm
Please call/text 970-963-2150 to schedule
Please fill out the online intake form before your first session. When you schedule your first appointment by calling or texting me at 970-963-2150, you'll receive an email confirmation of the appointment - this email will prompt you to fill out my online intake form. Filling out this form beforehand will save us time & not take away from our time together. See below for Community acupuncture dates.
The Setting
It’s easy to relax during community acupuncture – warm, inviting, and friendly.
Privacy in an open clinic.
Privacy and tranquility are easily accomplished with hushed voices and relaxing music in a cozy environment. We go over your intake form privately then go to the treatment room where patients remain dressed; they simply pull up sleeves and pant legs (wear loose, comfortable clothing so I can access thighs & upper arms if I need to). I will also need to reach your head, neck, arms and legs to be able to offer a full, body-mind treatment.
The Treatment
Annie will speak with you briefly to learn what you’d like from your treatment. Hair-thin needles will be gently inserted into various acupuncture points to provide your body with the proper stimulation. They are typically left in place for 30 minutes on average.
Patients describe having an active mind when the needles first go in, then settling into a more relaxed mental state, drifting in and out in waves, and sometimes falling into a short, restful sleep. Patients walk out feeling relaxed and recharged and often notice positive changes in other areas of their person that may not have been their reason for coming. These ‘side effects’ often include improved sleep and digestion, more energy, less stress, overall improved health and a sense of well-being.
The effectiveness will increase with frequency. Combine Community acupuncture with Private acupuncture to get a cumulative effect.
Community Acupuncture, Sliding Scale
First Session: $50-$70 (includes one-time $10 consultation fee, 75 minutes)
All Subsequent Sessions: $40-$60 (60 minutes)
Wednesdays, 1 day a month, 11am-5pm
Please call/text 970-963-2150 to schedule
- July 17th, 2024
- August 21st, 2024
- September 18th, 2024